The Semien Mountains National Park Ethiopia’s premier trekking and walking destination, the 412km2 Simien Mountains National Park was inscribed as a Natural World Heritage Site
Rock-hewn churches of Tigray Tigray is recognized as the cradle of the ancient Ethiopian civilization. The Yeha temple and the Axumite monolithic steleas testify
Al Negash – Ancient Mosque in Ethiopia Ethiopia has reputedly known as the Christian Kingdom hence most literature works widely promote and give a detailed insight into
Rock hewn Churches of Lalibela After the decline of the Axumite empire, lamenting their lost grandeur, Ethiopia’s rulers retreated with their Christian subjects to the
Gondar Gondar, founded by Emperor Fasilidas around 1635, is famous for its many medieval castles and the design and decoration of
Lake Tana and its surrounding Lake Tana has thirty-seven islands, twenty of which are home to churches and monasteries. Some of them dated back to
Axum AXUM, the site of Ethiopian most ancient city, is today a small town blissfully ignorant of its glorious past. The